The following terms and conditions govern all content/service(s)/product(s) available under the responsibility of "BuilderX" .
Any type of use of our services implies that you have READ and ACCEPT these Terms and Conditions. You are responsible for the actions on this site, regardless of the form of access or who is accessing and using your "BuilderX" access rights.

⦁ You are not allowed to snitch games / hint games that are supported by BuilderX.
⦁ You are not allowed to nuke/destroy games.
⦁ External executors are not allowed.
⦁ You are not allowed to change the map.
⦁ Don't abuse BuilderX to an extent that makes players inside the game leave.
⦁ You may not profit off of this service. This includes teleporting people to games, or prompt purchasing.
⦁ You are not allowed to reverse-engineer or decompile any binaries from BuilderX;
⦁ You are not allowed to chargeback any service/product purchased from BuilderX without a valid reason approved by one of our staff.
⦁ Staff can blacklist you for any reason they deem appropriate.

⦁ This page has the right to change any terms of service without prior notice.
⦁ We do not guarantee the accuracy of the materials presented on the "BuilderX" site, there may be spelling errors, image errors and lack of complete content, therefore, media for which it is not our responsibility may not have official information.

Privacy Policy
When purchasing and using our products, we have the right to collect data such as your discord ID.